Tag Archives: Randy

Disc Golf’s Huck Finn


Is this Huck Finn putting?

Is this Huck Finn putting?

What in the world is Huck Finn doing on a disc golf course?

It's drive time!

It's drive time!

This explains it.  That’s Randy, who always wears a handsome straw cowboy hat when he plays. Why the hat? Probably as much to abuse it by throwing it down after a poor shot as for protection from the sun. The #2 son, who is a Randy fan, thought it might be fun to pay homage to him by his choice of chapeau. So he bought his own (not handsome at all!) straw hat at a gas station and was ready for Randy when they were partnered together at last Saturday’s too-hot disc golf tournament.

Sidebar: I walked the afternoon round of 18 holes with #2, and it was brutal with the temperature in the low 90s. If there had been a bucket of ice water anywhere on the course, I would have gladly dunked my head in it. And kept it there. Plus it didn’t help that even though the tournament was in a park, there were hardly any flowers for me to take photos of with my Nikon 105mm macro lens. This was the best I could do:


These little white flowers were all over the park . . . and that was it! Kinda boring. But I digress.

Good use for the hat

Good use for the hat

I think Randy really likes his hat so he can brood in it after two-putting a hole. Meanwhile, Huck Finn the #2 son looked mighty fine in his floppy fedora.

Putting for par

Putting for par

Those socks, by the way, are a #2 son original. Left over from last fall’s middle school tackle football days, he thought they might help discourage the mosquitos from nibbling at his tender ankles. At least they did help keep his legs clean! As for his fashion statement, well, it’s tough being a trendsetter.


That #2 son: He sure is a cool cat in a hat!

Department of corrections

How could I have gotten this wrong?

This is how the photo should have been think bubbled!

Remember my recent post about my sons and their knucks-deknucks shenanigans? The #2 son looked at it and shook his head.

“You’ve got it all wrong, Mom.”

Full disclosure: This was the first mistake I’ve ever made as a mom! Really! Well, only if you don’t count the 41,579 that I made before this one.

Back to the #2 son: “Does Big Brother seem like a knucker?”

Now that you mention it, he is much more pessimistic than the #2 son.

So it’s the #2 son who gives his big brother knucks, which #1 “takes back” by deknucking. Which makes #2 run away to avoid the deknucking, leading him to run into boxes on the floor and hurt his toes.

Are we clear? Crystal? (Name that movie! I watched it a couple days ago on Comcast’s free movie channel.)

Bottom line: They’re both still knuckleheads!