August Photos of the Day

August 1

The red-eyed dragonfly from behind (Nikon D700; Nikon 70-200mm lens)

The red-eyed dragonfly came back for a visit to our front yard! He/she was nice enough to perch on a pathetic-looking petunia plant, the blossoms having died off weeks ago, and pose for me. I loved the way his/her wings shimmered in the sunlight—such awesome beauty!

August 2

Robo-#1 son! (Nikon D700; Nikon 50mm lens)

Today’s annual optometry visit with Dr. Nina yielded good results: My #1 son’s vision continues to be stable (albeit still nearsighted). He has a fresh prescription for soft contact lenses, which needs to be filled asap so he’ll have them before he leaves for San Antonio. It was good to check another must-do off our pre-college drop-off list!

August 3

My #2 son runs with the guys. (Nikon D700; Nikon 70-200mm lens)

Even though it’s a kabillion degrees here in the Houston area, high school sports have started. That means my #2 son already is sweating through his second cross-country season—practice began tonight. #2 was worried that his coach would make them run hard, but, fortunately for him, the kids just jogged loops around the school for about 50 minutes.

August 4

My #1 son drives off in his unusual garb. (Nikon D700; Nikon 35-70mm lens)

No, my #1 son doesn’t usually wear a graduation robe and a doctor’s head mirror when he drives. He was dressed this way, because he, my “third son,” Chase, their friend Karan, and my #2 son were headed off to a nearby park to film a scene for the latest Stickless StickShift Productions video.

August 5

My #2 son tries on shoes while his older brother reads. (Olympus Stylus Tough 6000)

One of our annual rites of passage is a trip to Rack Room Shoes every August to take advantage of their buy one, get one half off shoe sale. This is the first time that my #1 son hasn’t needed new shoes; however, his younger brother definitely did. So while one brother tried on Nikes that he liked, the other one got some reading done as usual.

August 6

Welcome, blue-headed dragonfly! (Nikon D300; Nikon 70-200mmm lens; Nikon 1.7x teleconverter)

I’ve been obsessed with the dragonflies in our front yard this week! There were three little, blue dragons there at the same time, but the best I could do was a photo of this cute guy.

August 7

My #2 son gets acquainted with his cousin once removed. (Nikon D700; Nikon 50mm lens)

Who doesn’t love babies? We got to see a cutie today—Dillon, the son of the Mister’s niece Melissa. Dillon is only a month old, and it’ll be fun watching him grow up.

August 8

The Mister snoozes at Chili’s. (iPhone 4)

The Mister, our #1 son (#2 was asleep at home), and I went to Chili’s for lunch after we saw “The Other Guys” (funny but not for young teens). Guess the Mister thought he’d catch up on a few zzzzz’s while we waited for our order . . . or maybe he was bored with us?

August 9

My #1 son surfs the ’net; his breakfast is on the table. (Nikon D700; Nikon 50mm lens)

This is my #1 son’s typical morning routine: He wakes up, reads the comics in the “Houston Chronicle,” sits down at the iMac he shares with his younger brother, and checks out what’s happening online while eating chunks of watermelon. It’s been a great way for him to start his day for several years now.

But soon that’s going to change, because he’ll be eating his fresh fruit at the University of Texas at San Antonio’s Roadrunner Café. And I won’t be there to lovingly watch him from my office and sneak  photos of him. I sure will miss seeing him every morning.

Where’s my Kleenex?

August 10

My #2 son tries to fake me out. (Nikon D300; Nikon 70-200mm lens)

At tonight’s Southwest Handicap Mini disc golf tournament, my #2 son, who didn’t want me snapping pix of him, tried to fake me out while he was putting (e.g., he didn’t let go of the disc). And then he looked at me proudly. I did snap the fake-out and the above smug mug. But then I also scored a photo of him making the putt. So there!

August 11

My three sons play a video game. (Nikon D700; Nikon 35-70mm lens)

Our so-called “game room,” which is our smallest bedroom, has been a popular spot with my sons, because that’s where their Nintendo game systems reside. It will be a lonely place when my #2 son is left behind to play while his older brothers (my #1 son and my “third son,” Chase) go off to college.

August 12

My #1 son looks at one of his old notebooks. (Nikon D700; Nikon 35-70mm lens)

Now that he’s about a week away from leaving for college, my #1 son decided to look through his personal items to decide what stays, gets tossed, or goes with him. Reality is starting to hit home!

August 13

My #2 son close up! (Nikon D700; Nikon 50mm lens)

As everyone knows, usually my #2 son hates my camera like a day of high school. But for some reason today after he had bowled a good frame, he let me take an up close and personal photo of him. I never tire of seeing his handsome face and gorgeous green eyes!

August 14

Chase watches TV in our living room. (Nikon D700; Nikon 50mm lens)

This was our last day with my “third son,” Chase, for awhile—he leaves for Rice University tomorrow. He and my #1 son spent one last time watching and making fun of a Pokémon episode, playing video games, and just plain talking. I’m really going to miss him.

August 15

I love my sons! (Olympus Stylus Tough 6000)

I had a wonderful 57th birthday today! My sons made me cards and gave me my favorite vegan cookies, and I got a Chipotle gift card from the Mister. Life just doesn’t get any better!

August 16

My #1 son’s bedroom this week (Nikon D700; Nikon 50mm lens)

Friday night will be the last time that my #1 son will sleep in his bed for awhile. So I wanted to not only remember how he looks grabbing some zzzzzzz’s but also how his bedroom looks right now. He doesn’t think it’ll change very much while he’s gone, but I think I’ll at least make sure his sheet stays on the bed!

August 17

A boy and his first laptop—instant love! (Nikon D700; Nikon 50mm lens)

Yesterday we bought my #1 son his 13-inch MacBook Pro for college. He spent much of today copying music and documents from the iMac he shares with his younger brother and putting them on his laptop and organizing it. I must admit that I’m totally jealous—I thought I was all that and a bag of chips when I left for college 39 years ago with a new Smith Corona electric typewriter. I would’ve loved to have been able to copy and paste back in the dark ages!!

August 18

Navigating the big balls. (Nikon D700; Nikon 50mm lens)

For the last time until next summer, my #1 son and I watched “Wipeout” together. This is one of my son’s favorite shows, and I’ll miss hearing him make wisecracks as I view the final episodes without him. I think he’d make a great writer on the show with his wacky sense of humor!

August 19

My #1 son’s last day on the job. (Nikon D700; Nikon 50mm lens)

With my #1 son leaving for college Saturday, tonight was his last day working as a shelver at the public library. He’s been pushing and pulling his book cart since last November and has banked a bunch of bucks for this school year. Plus he has some great experience: Maybe next semester he’ll get a job at the college library!

August 20

Lots still to pack for tomorrow’s college move. (Nikon D700; Nikon 50mm lens)

Today was the first day since I started my photo of the day series on January 1 that I almost forgot to snap a photo! I knew I wanted the POTD to be of all the stuff my #1 son is taking to college tomorrow, but it finally hit me at 11:58 p.m. that I needed to grab my Nikon dSLR! Whew!

August 21

Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’! (iPhone 4)

Move-in day at the University of Texas at San Antonio! The Mister was in charge of the heavy load on the dolly, while the rest of us plus two UTSA alums grabbed what was left so we only had to make one trip to my #1 son’s dorm room.

August 22

A proud dad with his firstborn son (Nikon D700; Nikon 35-70mm lens)

The Mister missed out on going away to college, because he had to work to put himself through the University of Houston while living at home. He’s glad our #1 son is able to live on campus in San Antonio and truly experience the full college experience. I know they’re going to miss each other this school year.

August 23

Sophomore year is exhausting! (Nikon D700; Nikon 50mm lens)

First day of sophomore year for my #2 son; first after-school nap. The first of many, I’m sure, due to waking up at 6:10 a.m.

August 24

Pretty storm clouds (Nikon D700; Nikon 35-70mm lens)

We’ve had several days of late-afternoon storms that made us think a hurricane was passing through because of the high winds. After today’s downpour, I went out in the backyard and marveled at how picturesque the clouds looked.

August 25

A cicada exoskeleton (Nikon D700; Nikon 105mm lens)

Funny how nature works—one minute all that’s on plants are flowers; the next something has parked its carcass there and boogied away. These cicada exoskeletons both creep me out and fascinate me . . . but mostly creep me out.

August 26

Li’l Blue D-Fly poses on a dead agapantha. (Nikon D700; Nikon 105mm lens)

Li’l Blue D-Fly never fails to fascinate me. I’ll be sad when his/her life cycle has ended. Until then, I’m going to try to document his/her comings and goings as often as possible.

August 27

So many mousetraps to choose from at Lowe’s! (iPhone 4)

When I opened the garage door to walk towards my Honda Pilot this morning, I couldn’t help but notice some movement in some clutter nearby. It was a mouse! Ugh!! For me, the only good mice are those that work with a computer. This one has to go! I bought a couple mousetraps at Lowe’s for the Mister to bait and set out. Personally, I don’t plan to go into or park my car in the garage until the mouse is caught. If I could, I’d torch the structure . . . for some reason, the Mister thinks I’m overreacting.

August 28

A Mediterranean gecko in our bathroom (Nikon D700; Nikon 105mm lens)

How do you know when you’re really a photographer? If you walk into the bathroom at 6 a.m. and immediately run to grab your camera because you’ve seen something interesting to shoot (like this gecko), then congratulations! You’ve got the bug . . . and, soon, a pic of this little guy.

August 29

Drive time for my #2 son (iPhone 4)

Now that my #1 son has relocated to San Antonio for college, the old Mercury Villager he used to drive sits forlornly at our house. Soon, though, the minivan will be given new life, as my #2 son, who is 15 years old, learns to drive it. Today we settled for practicing in our middle school’s parking lot.

August 30

Cody isn’t embarrassed by me. (Nikon D700; Nikon 35-70mm lens)

Tonight was the kickoff for my #2 son’s high school’s cross-country season. It was nice to visit with parents and watch the kids interact with one another. Of course, there was one kid who seemed to have his photographer mom on the “ignore” setting. I might be adopting his friend Cody as my model from now on. #2 son, you’ve been forewarned!

August 31

My #2 son’s rendition of a bulldog buck in Art I class. (iPhone 4)

The annual ritual that is high school open house was on tap tonight. I’m a big open house fan—I like being able to put a face to a teacher’s name and see what their personality is like, as well as check out who I know in my son’s classes (the better to commiserate with that kid’s mom). It’s so much fun to see parents I haven’t talked to during the summer that I always wish we could have time just to mingle for awhile. But there’s rarely any time for that.

2 responses to “August Photos of the Day

  1. After laughing and loving your writing……I think I’m going to cry. August 21 is crashing down upon us! and I’m NOT ready!

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