Tag Archives: Señor Wences

Knucks vs. Deknucks

This is “knucks.”

And this is “deknucks.” Got that? Need to see it again? There might be a quiz at the end, so I hope you paid attention.

Why do you need to know about knucks and deknucks? It’s very important in order for you to follow the story that the #2 son told me the other night when he came limping into my office after his and his brother’s bedtime. Why the bold type? Read on!


The #2 son: “Before we went to bed, Big Brother and I exchanged knucks [see example above]. I waited until he seemed to fall asleep with his arm hanging over his bed. [Full disclosure: The boys share the #1 son’s room. #1 sleeps on the bottom bunk bed, while #2 opts for the floor. Why the floor when he has a comfy top bunk bed? The world may never know.]

“When I saw his hand was kind of in a fist, I deknucked him [see example above]! Then I ran away, because I knew he was going to beat me up.”

Deknucking = the justifiable beating. And now back to our story . . . .

“I could see that Big Brother was in the kitchen, so I tried to run into your bedroom. When I did, I bumped my little toe on a box.”

#2 shows me his little toe, which was bleeding a bit. And I say my favorite it’s-after-your-bedtime line that the boys love and cherish and will remember forever:

“Go back to bed!”

This is my time! If you’re going to bleed on the carpet, go tell your dad. Otherwise, get to sleep!

Sidebar: Why am I telling #2 to go back to bed when he sleeps on the floor? The world may never know.

The knucks-deknucks debacle continues daily, by the way. One son will give knucks to the other. Then the recipient will lull the original knuck boy into complacency, quickly deknuck him, and run for the hills while the other boy chases him [Full disclosure: We have no hills, but our backyard is pretty big.]. This is such typical boy stuff! Any excuse to pound each other and run around the house. Drives me crazy at times, especially if I’m stupid enough to get caught in the middle.

You know what my sons are? Total knuckleheads!

Cheap hand puppet time

When I was editing the photo of my sons demonstrating the vaunted knucks-deknucks technique, I started to chuckle, and then I started painting with the brush tool. Anyone remember Señor Wences?