Car Wash and a Movie


Heading into the car wash

Heading into the car wash

An old favorite singer of mine, the late Jim Croce, wrote a song called “Workin’ at the Car Wash Blues.” Someone working at a car wash might have the blues (the guy I saw certainly didn’t look very thrilled), but I love driving through the car wash! Hey, sounds like a great song title!

When I went to get gas for my car yesterday at Buc-ee’s, I noticed that the price was a whopping 20 cents cheaper with a $5 car wash. $1.79.9 for gas plus a badly needed cleaning? Count me in!

Sidebar: This would be the Honda Pilot’s first car wash since it came to live with us in November. Dirty? Definitely!

I gassed up the Pilot and drove around to the automatic car wash. It’s not fancy, but it does a decent job for $5. Since I just happened to have my Canon PowerShot A590 point and shoot, I was able to document the whole experience for my reader(s) as I enjoyed someone other than me scrubbing my car clean. Sit back, relax, and relive it with me. Unless you’re claustrophobic, of course.

Soap time

Soap time

Time to bring in the brushes!

Let's bring in the brushes!

Brushing the windshield clean

Brushing the windshield clean

Now I know how teeth feel when they’re about to be brushed!

Watering off

Watering off

Things continue to clear.

Things continue to clear.

Ah, the clean windshield!

Ah, the clean windshield!

Back outside on a beautiful day

Back outside on a beautiful day

Something in that fifth picture worries me. Could it be the monster that hides in the car wash giving the workers the blues? Might make me think twice about driving through again!

The Car Wash Blob!

The Car Wash Blob!


General Custer and Ben Stiller

General Custer and Ben Stiller

The family saw “Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian” yesterday. As with all sequels, this wasn’t as good as the original. Both the Mister and I rated it as just average, but the boys loved it. #1 deemed it worthy of his top “10” rating (which he gives to just about every movie), while the more-discriminating #2 “only” gave it a 9.5. See this one for the kids.

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