Tag Archives: “RED”

One-Word Wednesday

It looks like fall at Eastham-Thomason Park in Huntsville.

It looks like fall at Eastham-Thomason Park in Huntsville.


But every other tree and bush around was green.

But every other tree and bush around was green.

One-Word Wednesday

This poser was in my backyard shrubs.

This poser was in my backyard shrubs the other day.


Pics shot with my Nikon 105mm macro lens.

Pics shot with my Nikon 105mm macro lens.

Chasing the Sunrise

Fire in the sky!

Fire in the sky!

My route for this morning’s two-mile jog was simple: Go down the walk/bike path towards our elementary school and turn left, so I could run through the park and return home.

But when I reached the school grounds, I looked to my right and saw the most-gorgeous, red sunrise that just about stopped me in my tracks. And then it knocked me off course.

Close yet so far away

Close yet so far away

Immediately, I took off my gloves (it was a brisk 45 degrees), grabbed my iPhone 5 from the pouch attached to my water bottle belt, and headed right on the sidewalk that circles our master-planned community. I stopped several times to snap photos, but I couldn’t fully capture that awesome spectacle due to the houses, trees, and power lines.

Let’s add some gold to the color palette.

The color palette grows.

By the time I finally jogged past the trees, bands of yellow joined that radiant red. Suddenly I remembered that today is National Wear Red Day to raise awareness of women’s heart disease. Looks like the sunrise was doing its part to help the campaign.

The clouds are pretty as a pink and red picture.

The clouds are as pretty as a pink and red picture.

Well played, Mother Nature. Well played.

“RED”: It’s More Than a Color

RED but not dead yet

The Mister, our younger son, and I have wanted to see the movie “RED” since we watched its trailer months ago. Yesterday we finally got our chance at the $5 show, and we were thoroughly entertained. It’s one of those flicks that definitely looks better on the big screen due to all the action.

John Malkovich, Morgan Freeman, and Bruce Willis are part of a great cast.

“RED” stands for “retired, extremely dangerous” and aptly describes a motley crew of former CIA agents splendidly played by acting all-stars Morgan Freeman, John Malkovich, Helen Mirren, and Bruce Willis. If you need a reason to see this movie, it should be to observe the four of them interacting. Definitely a hoot and a holler.

Helen Mirren has a thing for big guns.

Willis’ character (Frank Moses) enlists the help of the other three plus Brian Cox, who plays a former Russian enemy, to find out who has targeted him for elimination. Figuring that out involves the use of massive amounts of ammunition and explosives. Oh, and killing, of course. Lots and lots of killing.

Bruce Willis’ character shows Mary-Louise Parker’s a fun time.

This could be a total testosterone flick. However, within all the murder and mayhem revolves a love story that’s very touching. Moses hasn’t taken well to retirement and needs help finding the warmth inside him. Cue Mary-Louise Parker, another fine actress, whose involvement helps humanize the entire plot.

The movie is witty, warm, and well-written. My #2 son rated it a 9.456235 on our 10-point scale; I awarded it a more-sedate yet solid 7.5. It’s rated PG-13 for violence (oh, is it violent!) and language. There is a smattering of cursing but nothing over the top. Definitely not for young teens who are bothered by fictionalized death and destruction.