Daily Archives: December 22, 2009

Chanukah Leftovers

Waiting to be de-waxed

Chanukah ended Friday night. And here it is Tuesday. The boys’ menorahs still haven’t been totally de-waxed so they can be put away. My #2 son started getting the wax out of his menorah’s candleholders yesterday until the lure of Monday Night Football was too great. Storing the menorahs is definitely on today’s to do list.

Sidebar: I realize that calendars claim that Chanukah ended Saturday. Yes, that was the last day, but we only celebrate the holiday at night. It’s all about lighting the candles after sunset for us!

The boys photographed at a different angle.

On that eighth night, #2 told me my Chanukah photos were boring. That they all looked alike except for the number of candles.

Fair enough, my young critic! So I knelt down to get the above photo and . . . his older brother has a candle flame for a nose!

But look at the third candle from the right on #2’s menorah!

One candle goes wild!

My wild child has a wickedly wild candle! Amazing at any angle!!

The festival of lights on the radio

Sirius XM radio has a great holiday tradition: Radio Hanukkah. Every day of the holiday brings festive Chanukah music 24/7. It’s great fun to listen to. Well, except for one thing: There aren’t nearly enough Chanukah songs to fill even one day of programming! The station tries to compensate by playing any song that has Hebrew in it (holiday appropriate or not) or is sung by Barbra Streisand, or so it seems.

Radio Hanukkah got so lucky this year, because a guy named Evan Taubenfeld penned “Merry Swiftmas (Even Though I Celebrate Chanukah)” in which he professes his wish that Santa bring Taylor Swift as his gift. I think the station showed great restraint in not playing that particular song several times an hour!