Daily Archives: April 10, 2009

Photo Friday: Burst Mode

The #2 son makes his approach in the triple jump.

The #2 son makes his approach in the triple jump.

One great aspect of using a digital SLR camera (one where you can change the lenses) is burst mode. Shooting photos in rapid succession can help you get great action shots. It comes in very handy at a track meet when your son is a triple jumper or hurdler. When the athlete is in a confined space, it’s easier to keep them in focus as they run towards you.

The take-off!

The take off!

Plus the shutter makes a great kachoo-kachoo-kachoo noise as you hold down the button! People will think you’re a real pro!!

#2 son to tower: I'm heading for my landing!

#2 son to flight tower: I'm heading for my landing!

Most point-and-shoot cameras also have continuous-shooting mode; however, there’s no way you’ll be able to stop the action like you can with a dSLR. Very little shutter lag with the big gun.

Sometimes I use burst mode to help my timing in getting the photo I want. For example, in disc golf, I almost always want the disc to be in the photo with the player. Sometimes it’s easy enough to do that with just one snap, like with putting. But when the player is driving, it can be hard to time when they’re going to release the disc. So I usually snap in rapid succession:


#2 son starts his drive.

#2 son winds up.

He rears back!

He rears back!

He releases a beautiful shot!

He releases a beautiful shot!

If you have a point and shoot, experiment with the continuous shooting mode; you never know when you might grab a great shot. If you have a dSLR, absolutely set it on burst mode and improve your timing and action photography. Just listen to that sweet shutter sound!