Daily Archives: April 13, 2009

“Monsters vs. Aliens” in 3D


Our family tradition on Easter, which we don’t observe, is to go to a movie. This time the boys actually agreed to see an animated flick, “Monsters vs. Aliens” in 3D ($3 per ticket more expensive; ugh!). After seeing it in 3D, I can’t imagine how the basic flat version might have been—the 3D really rocked!! It was so well done.

The Mister had voiced trepidation at seeing the 3D version, recalling how lame “Spy Kids 3D: Game Over” was (and he’s right, it was). But all the 3D effects in “Monsters” were excellent, especially the paddle ball coming right at us; just about made me duck! And who doesn’t want to wear those sexy 3D glasses? I mean, c’mon, we all looked so rad!

reald-3d-glasses1Here’s the basic movie summary: When California girl Susan Murphy is hit by a meteor on her wedding day, she mysteriously grows to almost 50 feet tall. The military jumps into action, and Susan is captured and secreted away to a covert government compound. There she is renamed “Ginormica” and placed in confinement with other monsters: Dr. Cockroach, Ph.D.; the half-ape, half-fish Missing Link; the gelatinous and indestructible B.O.B.; and the 350-foot grub Insectosaurus. Their confinement is cut short, however, when a mysterious alien robot lands on Earth and begins wreaking havoc. The President is persuaded to enlist the monsters to combat the alien robot and save the world from imminent destruction.

Do you smell a happy ending here?

All four of us liked the movie, especially me. Maybe I enjoyed it so much, because the protagonist’s name was Susan, just like mine. I especially liked when the other monsters asked her her name. “Susan,” she replied. “No, what do people say when they see you coming? ‘Oooh, here comes, Susan!’ Yes, that’s scary.” Hey, it is when you’re THE mom in the house! Just ask the boys.

Ever wonder what kind of photo you can get of a 3D movie with your smartphone? I did, so I snapped a few with my handy, dandy iPhone (apologies to anyone around us who was annoyed by the glow), and here’s what it looks like:


iPhone view

iPhone view

Not as good as the movie looked while wearing those rad 3D glasses!