Daily Archives: April 16, 2009

“Lost” By Miles


Miles, the dead communicator

Miles, the dead communicator

Last night’s “Lost” epsisode, “Some Like It (Star Wars) Hoth,” was very satisfying to those of us who have been wondering about Miles’ backstory ever since the guy who can communicate with the dead was first introduced last season. This is one strange dude—he can channel the dead, and he’s a mercenary who’s always willing to go to the highest bidder. This season “Lost” has been centering shows around one character to try to fill in the blanks that have been hounding us and driving us crazy. Last night it was Miles’ turn, and now we know a lot more about him.

Dr. Pierre Chang

Dr. Pierre Chang

Most of us who love to analyze “Lost” figured that Dr. Pierre Chang was Miles’ dad after they showed Chang on the island with a baby; we know that everything is interconnected when it comes to this show. Six degrees of separation? It’s more like one or two degrees. Both were Asian, just like Miles, who has no recollection of having been on the island. Last night’s episode not only confirmed that Chang is Miles’ dad, but Miles got to watch his dad and his very own baby self(!) when he played peeping Tom into the Changs’ house. Miles told Hurley that he figured out the connection after seeing his 1977 mom in the lunchline behind him.

We get to meet Miles’ mom off-island in the episode. She was renting an apartment for her and the young (maybe 7 or 8 years old) Miles (how did they get off the island?). She said Miles’ dad was out of the picture; years later she would tell a punked-out, pierced Miles that his dad had abandoned them and was long dead. The younger Miles was exploring the complex when he “heard” something from one of the apartments. He found the hidden key, unlocked the door, and found the resident lying on the floor dead. He tells his mom and the apartment manager that he found the man, because the man had talked to him.

Miles: “He’s still talking right now. . . . . I told you, I can hear him, I can hear him.”

Just like in the “Sixth Sense”: Miles can hear dead people . . . all the time!

Miles’ odd communication skills come in handy on the island when he has to transport a dead Dharma dude who had a hole in his head. He’s been told not to ask questions, but no one tells him not to get all the info he needs from the dead guy. He’s about to transport the body to Daddy Chang at the Orchid when chef Hurley interferes, needing a ride to the same place to deliver sandwiches. Hurley accidentally finds the body, and, when Miles nonchalantly tells Hurley what the guy had been thinking before he died, Hurley figures out Miles’ special gift.

Chef Hurley also can talk to the dead

Chef Hurley also can talk to the dead

Hurley: “You can talk to dead people. Don’t worry your secret’s safe with me, because I can talk with them, too.”

Remember that Hurley has seen the ghosts of some of those who have died, like Charlie. Miles doesn’t think that’s the same thing. He says that once someone’s dead, their brain ceases to function.

Hurley: “You’re just jealous my power’s better than yours.”

When Hurley and Miles talk to Daddy Chang, Hurley lets it slip that he knows about the body. Chang threatens him with a transfer to Hydra Island and a job as a polar bear pooper-scooper if he blabs. After Chang walks away, Hurley says to Miles, ” That dude is a total douche.”

Miles: “That douche is my dad.” Ouch!

During the episode we also see Naomi, who on the island is killed via a knife in the back courtesy of Locke, recruit Miles for the freighter trip to the island in which Widmore hopes to capture Ben Linus. Miles’ “audition” is a dead body from which he extracts information that the guy had purchase orders for Widmore for an old plane. Hmmm . . . so it was Widmore who put that plane filled with dead people at the bottom of the ocean and passed it off as Oceanic 815? The dots are always there; we just have to connect them somehow.

Before Miles leaves for the island, a group of guys led by Bram (Ilana’s sidekick on the island) kidnap Miles to try to talk him out of working for Widmore. Miles, of course, is ready to switch for more money, but Bram says this isn’t about cash. It’s about Miles working for the right, winning team (Ben’s?). He asks Miles the question that Ilana asked Lapidus last week:

“Do you know what lies in the shadow of the statue?”

Of course, Miles doesn’t know (too bad the statue wasn’t a dead body!). Bram tells him he’s not ready to go to the island, and he’s tossed out of the van.

What was that all about? More dots to connect, my friends, more dots to connect . . . eventually.

Some of the dots that we can connect have to do with father issues. Add Miles to the ever-growing list of Losties with severe daddy problems—Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Locke, Sun, Claire, and Hurley. But Hurley settled his differences.

Hurley: “I used to hate my dad, too. He left when I was 10. The best thing I ever did was give him a second chance. We got to be the best of friends.”

Miles: “My dad left when I was a baby. I never got to know him, and I don’t ever want to.”

Hurley: “Luke was that way, too.” Got to love that Star Wars talk! Maybe Chang eventually will say to Miles: “Miles, I am your father!”

Killer ending once again

Daniel Faraday

Daniel Faraday

“Lost” has had some great episode endings this season; last night’s was a true classic. Miles drives Chang to the pier to greet a sub carrying scientists from Ann Arbor, Michigan, which is the Dharma Initiative’s U.S. location. The minute we saw a lanky guy exiting the sub, we knew it would be . . . the long, lost Daniel Faraday!
Miles: “Dan!”

Faraday: “Hello, Miles. Long time no see.”

Daniel, where have ya been? We’ve missed you!

Next week’s episode is a catch-your-breath recap show, which will be good for my pal Steph, who says even her confusion is confused. Maybe we’ll get more connections instead of more dots. The 100th episode of “Lost” is in two weeks, and it looks like war is a-coming.