Daily Archives: April 15, 2009

Berry Interesting!

7237-berriesWhen I slap my much-loved Nikon 105mm macro (close-up) lens onto my Nikon D300 and travel with my guys to take photos of them playing disc golf, one thing is clear: I won’t be taking lots of pictures of them. But I certainly will of everything else nature has to offer around the course.



Proof in point: Last night the Mister and our two sons (yes, even the #1 son who claims he’s allergic to the outside) played in a mini disc golf tournament (only 18 holes) close to our house. Because it obviously was a family outing, I tagged along, toting the D300 and 105, claiming I was going to take pictures. Yes, I was there for that very function, but I didn’t detail the subject matter.

Of course, the male threesome knows my penchant for nature pics. So it’s never a surprise that my ratio of nature to disc golf photos is, oh, say 30 to 1. That’s just the way I roll photographically. I love my guys, but when I saw berries growing amid the rocks, I was so busy snapping shots, I totally missed how they played the hole. I’m sure that was inspiring, too! (Full disclosure: The Mister said they were dewberries. He claims to have made dewberry cobbler as a lad; now he can hardly work the microwave. I’m not sure I’m buying the cobbler story, quite honestly.)

Red dewberries (note the little bug)

Red dewberries (note the little bug)

Disc golf typically is played in parks, a rich haven for nature photography. As you know, I just love taking photos of flowers, even if they’re really just weeds. The 105mm lens is so perfect for taking nature close-ups. I’ve written about it before here and here and here.


Wildflower (note the bug)

Wildflower (note the bug)

Of course, I needed to pay homage to my guys. So I did snap a picture or two of them playing. But really not a lot of them.

the Mister putts

the alleged "dewberry king" putts

Yes, all is right in my little corner of the photo world when I can have fun taking photos of nature and the guys. Especially when nature is so overwhelming, it puts its own exclamation mark on the day.
