Daily Archives: April 20, 2009

In Three Words Monday


#2 is bummed after a poor disc golf shot.

#2 is bummed after a poor disc golf shot.

There’s a blog I’m fond of reading called In Three Words. Three times a week, the author, Musing, poses a question for her readers to answer. The one and only requirement? That the answer be only three words.

Can life really be boiled down to just three simple words? For me lately it can. Here are my three words today: I am sad. I am bummed.

Life has been throwing wicked curveballs at people I know and like, and it’s made me realize, as I often do, that life isn’t fair at all. In fact, it can be downright cruel. As I type, my next-door neighbor JJ, the organizational whiz, is in Kansas with her father. A sweet guy of 71 who loves his family, golf, and photography, he’s been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and is undergoing chemo today, Tuesday, and Wednesday. When I last talked to him about a month ago, he was so full of life, interesting and interested. Now he’s weakened and traveling down a tough road. My thoughts are with him and his family. And I am sad.

Then there’s a gal who was the assistant principal at my son’s middle school. She recently had her second child, a daughter to join her preschool son, and earned a new position as an elementary school principal. Charmaine is a sharp gal who always has the students’ best interests at heart. She has everything in the world to look forward to, such a bright future. Then last Thursday, her husband’s headache was so bad he had to go to the hospital. A brain tumor. Three chilling words. Two surgeries later, and everyone’s just praying for a positive outcome. I am sad.

6523-yellow-wildflowerToday is an unusual day for me, because usually I’m very upbeat, especially when I’m typing these blog posts. I’m hoping that these friends and their loved ones will hit those curveballs out of the park, and that all will be well. I’m looking forward to when my three words will be: I am glad.