Daily Archives: April 28, 2009

Tattoo Tuesday


The tattooed Thomas

The tattooed Thomas

As I wrote in yesterday’s blog, I never know what I might take photos of during the guys’ disc golf action. Believe me, I’m not always just snapping away at wildflowers and putting. For example, last week there also was the Mister’s doubles partner Thomas, who uses his body as his personal canvas. Personally, I don’t understand the need for tattoos, especially for those of us who have freckles. Aren’t those dots enough identification? Or look at his dimple. Couldn’t Thomas be satisfied with that particular uniqueness?

Thomas' leg

Thomas' leg

Apparently not. All of Thomas’ tattoos were so distracting that my Nikon D300 seemed almost drawn to them. He probably thought I was taking photos of him in action, while I was actually snapping pix of his body art. Just checking to make sure the old Nikon 105mm macro lens can close-focus on those tats, Thomas. Really, that’s all it is. See, here’s an action shot:

The tattoos in action

The tattoos in action

See? That proves I wasn’t obsessed with all those tattoos!!

"The Big Bang Theory" cast

"The Big Bang Theory" cast

The horror! The nightmare! Part I

Last night during a terrible downpour, we lost our power for about 30 minutes. Fortunately, we had already watched “The Big Bang Theory.” My thoughts returned to those horrible 26 hours without power in the aftermath of Hurricane Ike last September. Don’t want to go through that nightmare again! And then I had an even worse thought: What if the power had gone off during “Lost”? I know we can watch the episode on the computer, but I like experiencing the shows when they’re supposed to be on. I live in the moment, not an hour or two or 24 from now. Hope the weather is pristine tomorrow night!

The horror! The nightmare! Part II

Because of last night’s storms and subsequent flooding (but not where we live), our school district unwisely (in my humble opinion) closed all its schools. Which means that the little monsters darling angels are home ALL DAY distracting me. Don’t get me wrong, I love being a stay-at-home mom. It’s the best job in the world. But darn it, my time is my time! I look forward to that little piece of heaven I call being alone while they’re at school. Somebody owes me big time!

#1 son, #2 son, and the BFF

#1 son, #2 son, and the BFF

And then I look out my office window and see the scene above. I grab the D300 (with the Nikon 17-55mm lens attached) and run outside. The guys are filming a video to post on YouTube based on the #1 son’s alter ego, the honorable Dr. Judge M.D. (don’t ask). If the guys weren’t home from school, would I have gotten this sweet photo of the #2 son and his HUGE stuffed animal Jeffrey?

The #2 son and Jeffrey

The #2 son and Jeffrey

The #2 son actually smiling at the momarazzo? Love those unexpected days off from school!