Daily Archives: April 23, 2009

“Lost” on Windsday


Miles and Hurley relax among the potted plants.

Miles and Hurley relax among the potted plants.

Last night’s “Lost” episode was a short, unwelcome hiatus from what has been an action-packed, edge-of-your-seat season. It was a recap show entitled “Lost: The Story of the Oceanic 6.” I suppose for viewers late to the game, the episode was helpful, but for the fanatics like our family, it was pretty boring. After awhile, the #2 son wandered off to play a video game, and the Mister drove to CVS to pick up a prescription. I think the #1 son and I stuck with it mainly because we wanted to have something to watch while eating dinner (God forbid we should ever make eye contact and actually talk!).

For me, the only new information gleaned from the recap was the confirmation that it was Charles Widmore who was behind the bogus Oceanic flight 815 that was found at the bottom of the ocean with a bunch of corpses in it. There had been some conjecture that it might have been the work of Benjamin Lie-nus.

Speaking of big, bad Ben, the episode reinforced for me how much the former leader of the Others really wanted to return to the island, even though he had told John Locke that whoever turned the wheel couldn’t return (gee, another lie, what a surprise). And he told the survivors that they needed to return to help those left behind. Ben knew he had to have as many of the Oceanic 6 (plus Locke) as possible to help him get back. Now we know he wanted to return in order to be judged for his “daughter” Alex’s death by the smoke monster. He didn’t care one bit about helping the Left Behinders; his top concern was himself, like usual. Everything he’s done has been for himself. Selfish SOB.

Some people believe that Ben is a good guy. That’s so hard for me to believe! He sure doesn’t act like one. If “Lost” was a western, I think both Ben and Widmore would be wearing black hats (with maybe the white-hatted Clint Eastwood riding in to save the day and the island; of course, by now Clint might be traveling via wheelchair).

The season finale is a mere three weeks away, and then we’ll have about eight months to fully digest the meaning of every nuance that we’ve seen so far until the final season in 2010. Which will coincide with the end of the #1 son’s high school career. I’m getting verklempt thinking of both events!

“Lost” in the greenery

A recent entry in Jorge Garcia’s blog, Dispatches From the Island, shows a photo of his character, Hurley, and Miles relaxing in front of a Dharma VW bus (pictured above). Garcia notes that most of the natural island flora is actually potted plants! 


Where's the focus?

Lost discs due to wind = angry son

Yesterday I drove both sons to Imperial Park, which is mainly a wonderful softball complex but also has a nine-hole disc golf course complete with a practice basket. It was windy, which means it was magnified by 10 due to the park’s flatness. The boys started throwing at the practice basket, which is bordered by woods. I volunteered to go over by the woods to spot in case of errant tosses. Then I saw the wildflowers above. Y’all know how I feel about wildflowers by now, I’m sure. I happened to have my Canon point and shoot camera with me, so I thought I’d snap a quick picture. Unfortunately, it was too quick, because I heard shouting about discs flying into the woods. Not only did I miss my focus, but I also didn’t see where two discs landed. Which made the #2 son put the blame totally on me when we couldn’t find them. As if I had thrown them.

As a savvy, veteran mom, my answer to angry statements like, “It’s all your fault, Mom,” always is “So fire me!” Hasn’t happened yet!

Later on the boys lost two more discs. I told the boys that it was no surprise what had happened, because every Windsday is “Lost!” Somehow they didn’t appreciate the attempt at humor!